Thursday, 19 June 2014

Fart amusement park ?

Denmark's fourth largest amusement park is BonBon-Land, an amusement park that's based on a Danish confectionary that makes
 candy featuring unusual objects and animals. 

It all started with a candy factory in Holme-Olstrup - a small

town outside Næstved .
 One day the owner Michael Spang's and try

 tasted some new brown sweets when his son, Nicholas,

spontaneously replied: "Ad, they are creepy! They look like

the dog farts . "How did the idea to create the candy with the

cheeky and fun e names by Seagull droppings , Big boobs, Pee

diapers, ear wax - and of course dog farts.

Huge success!! 

The crazy candy quickly became popular, and sales figures rocketed rocketed. The candy was so well received that people from across the country began sending their own ideas with fun names for the candy to the candy factory inHolme-Olstrup that in the coming years to be known as the city with the theme park with the funniest and craziest rides .

Because of sweets popularity began schoolchildren and kindergarten rapidly flowing to the candy factory hoping to get a glimpse of candy production. But it could unfortunately not be done because there were strict hygiene requirements for production. Michael Spangenberg therefore opened his own BonBon-Land with a small candy shop where children include could try to make their own making lollipops. 

BonBon-Land was rapidly growing pains and with its now 130,000 m2 one of Denmark's most popular theme parks .
Sold each year more than 60 tonnes of French fries, ice cream 130,000 and 80,000 sausages. If you add up all the sausages, which are sold on a season up in one long row, the 25 km long.

In addition to some pretty racy attractions and numerous vomiting rodents, visitors to BonBon-Land can enjoy elegantly-named rides, such as The Horse Dropping and The Crazy Turtle (who looks like he's just about to puke!)

That last one, which loosely translates to “Dog Fart Roller coaster”, is a roller coaster that takes riders on an exciting journey around giant mounds of dog poo, while speakers around the track play fart sounds the whole while.

So, for your information, I provide you with few picture. 
Enjoy the scene ok???


Another self-operated ride was the zip line thingy


Dan fulfills his dream of being a ride op!

Again, this was really tall and went really far...with NO ONE around operating it but us!!!!

This was their new log flume, and yes, with lots of really screwed up characters along the way.

Rodents were in full force at the park, so that made Elissa happy.

What does that translate into you ask?  "Dog Fart Coaster" of course!  We're NOT kidding either!!!!

See those nice little turds?  Yummy!  They look just like the candy that you can buy in the store. Seriously!!!

When you go through the dog house, you actually get farted on!!!!  We're NOT making this up!!!

As the train enters the dog house, the fart noise comes out of the speaker on the wall.

Here is a close up of the farting speaker! 

Here we are....all psyched up about getting farted on!

Yay!  Another train full of riders farted on and checking out those awesome dog craps!

He even has his own cartoon!  Complete with farts!!!

by : Nada

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